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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


 The Question:In the film "Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter,Spring"what lesson do you think the monk is trying to teach his young student? Reflectively relate this learning process to your own personal experience.

  In this film, a young student caught three animals: fish,frog, and snake. When he caught, he put a stone on the animals' back The monk saw it and decided to give a lesson to the young monk. Therefore, he put a stone and tied to young monk. In the morning, when the young monk waked up, he asked to the monk to release the stone on his back. The monk said, "If you find the animals and release the stone, I will release the stone from you. But if you find even one animal which is dead by you, you might keep the stone in your heart.". Therefore, the young monk goes to find them. When he found the fish, it was drown. He relesed the stone and made graveyard for the fish. Fortunately, when he found frog it was alive so when young monk released the stone, it ran away. Last, the snake was dead with blood. The young monk cried. I think the lesson that the monk wanted to teach his student was 'Life is always important to everyone'
  For my experience, I nurtured the turtles for my pet. That time I was busy so I couldn't feed them well for 5 days. I gave them the meal irregularly.One day I forgot to feed them lunch and the dinner. I fed the breakfast, since I have to go to the academy I couldn't. Fortunately, I gave them lots of the meal later. But, the real problem is that I can't show my turtles on my hand. If there is person who want to see my turtles I had to show them with their house.But I did for 5 times and they became stressful.Therefore, they started to run away when I appear. So whenever I fed them, they ran away. They couldn't have their meal well, so they were starved. So one turtle came out, and started to eat. As well as it is starved, it ate all of the meal. The one which doesn't have much energy, stucked between wall and the machine which provides the air. And one died for lonelyness.
  In conclusion, in this movie I learned that the life of every animal's life is important. And we shouldn't play with it.   

1 comment:

  1. Good essay! A few verbs need to be changed to the past tense (see if you can find them). I also had turtles when I was young. One day, one escaped and we couldn't find it. It was gone for weeks and weeks. Then one day when I was playing Lego in front of the TV, it appeared out of nowhere, seeming to have crawled out from under the sofa. It was almost dead, and very dry. I put it back in the tank and it was fine again. Maybe Canadian turtles are stronger than Korean ones?
