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Monday, January 10, 2011

Writing Chain-A Travel With Nightmare

 If I could go back in the time, I want to go back to the time when there was dinausaurs. I want to meet dinasuars. I want to see dinosaurs, figure out how they hunted, and I want to be the first person to announce accurate information about dinosaurs
 First, I want to meet dinosaurs. I think we only can see the bones of dinosaurs. I want to what they look like. Their skin colors are also a mystery because nobody has seen them. If I find and meet dinosaurs for the first timein the wholeworld, I can be famous, get award and can be rich. Being the first person to meet         dinosaurs will be amazing!                                                                                                                         
 Secondly, I want to bring dinosaurs DNA material and compare it with humons. May be it can be related or I might figure it out how to make our Earth like a Jurrasic Park. This will be an extraordinary discovery. 
 Let's go then! Shooooooooooooooooooooooong!(sound effect)! I came to the world where there are no houses ,no cars, nothing! Oh! I see something there: "What's that?" I walked through the jungle. I saw a dinosaur. This is~~~~ I suddenly noticed this is a Nightmare! This, this is a great discovery! Let's go ba---,wait how can I get back? Oh noooooooooo! I consideredthe Nightmare for a while.Why is this dinosaur not eating me? Is it dead? No. It's breathing. I think it's not sleeping.The name of Nightmare was named by his furious scary hunter. It can fly and dive in to the dinosaur that they can eat. They even ate T-rex. I found out that this Nightmare is a hunter. I didn't know what to do. I made a shelter for him as the first thing on wait I have some medicine. I gave it to him. After nursing him I slept.When I woke up, he was all right, and infront of me there was a huge piece of meat which he gave to me, because I saved him.After eating that I left the spot, but he kept following me. He was huge and scary by look, but actually he was really friendly and loyal. I decided  I would look around with him. I climbed onto his back. When I climbed onto his back I was able to see jungle in my sight. It was cool!!! The night mane was curious that I was so surprised. We stopped by the sea to swim and for the Nightmare to hunt. We stepped one step into the water.Opposite to my thought, the water was warm. Suddenly I saw a shark's fin, it was coming to me. I called the Nightmare but he was too far away. I was terrified. The shark was very fast. I ran as well as I could, shouting at the Nightmare. And the Nightmare was calling me. "Hey! here ypu are!"  I climbed oin to him and continued the trip.

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